/in’fer ma’shen/ n.
An Informing or Being Informed. Something Told or Facts Learned.

Story Telling is the
Best Marketing
We see corporate communications strategy as a critical element of your overall marketing plan. Using your brand's voice to tell your story through a comprehensive communications program is at the core of what we do. By working with the press, writing website and social media content, managing internal communications, running marketing activities and managing events, we become your brand communications engine.
It Takes Some Real
Too often companies dive head first into social media without a clear plan. 140 characters here, a random blog post there. At best, the results you end up with can seem like a waste of time – and at worst could lead to a PR disaster. Used correctly, social media can be one of the most powerful tools in your marketing quiver, helping you to create a strong personal connection with your prospective customers. Our team of experts can help build a clear strategy based on your goals, who your customers are and what your competition is doing.

The Story Unfolds
The death of print has been greatly exaggerated. Any account manager worth his or her salt will tell you that being able to hand a potential client a smartly designed marketing piece that tells your story and promotes your brand is an important part of the sales process. Couple it with a website that has the same design aesthetic and corporate voice and you’ve got a slam dunk.

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